The Trusteeship

Gale Anne

“Joining The Trusteeship has truly changed my life for the better in ways I could never have predicted. It has opened up an entirely new world by broadening my circle of friends beyond work colleagues to include some of the kindest and most accomplished women in Southern California.”

Membership Dues Renewal

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Upcoming Events


Hong Kong, SAR: November 20 – 22, 2024 – 2024 Cornerstone Conference

Seattle, Washington:  May 21 – 23, 2025 — IWF World Leadership Conference

Cape Town, South Africa: November 5 – 7, 2025 – 2025 Cornerstone Conference

London, England: May 13-15, 2026 – 2026 Cornerstone Conference

Denver, Colorado: November 11-13, 2026 — IWF World Leadership Conference

Amman, Jordan: May 11-12, 2027 – 2027 Cornerstone Conference

Click here to visit International Women’s Forum website.

“Imagine an enriching experience and rare opportunity to meet, learn from, and share time with a college president, a top TV or movie producer, an artist, an author, a politician, a business or philanthropic leader, to name a few. That’s the magic of The Trusteeship. Friendships and support when life has dealt you a setback are added — precious gifts.”

– Caroline